I shaved around the blister and kept it clean and covered for a few days and it's finally starting to get better. It was almost a blessing in disguise. The first few days after I burned myself I'd wake up and redress my bandage and before I'd wrap it up I'd throw some hydrogen peroxide on it and I'd wake up pretty damn quick after. Must be like what coffee does to some people minus the burning sensation.
Going from gross to absolutely disgusting Tour de Fat was this weekend, which meant both my roommate and friend had to dress in drag, drink a lot and ride bikes around now. A farmer's tan is bad - a tan from wearing a dress and bra is much worse. And of course, being guys with stuffed bra's they did exactly what guys with boobs would do - molest the crap out of themselves. It just goes to show when given the chance a straight man cannot resist grabbing a a boob.
No Power Balance Video review yet due to too much work. Soon though. I may spend the extra time and do a bit more research.
Jujitsu class at CSU is going very well. Small class but good students and I have access to the weight room and facilities any day I have class for the entire day. Unfortunately the pool, sauna, and hot tub won't be ready till after spring break next year.
Back to bartending 5 nights a week. Should be good, I'll be able to pay off my debts to the company and whatever personal debt I have too. It's a lot of work and I did 20 hours in two days last week but it's what it takes. Shit needs to get done and done right one way or the other. Not always fun.
On a happier note - Japanese Ping Pong