"...Power Balance is Performance Technology designed to work with your body’s natural energy field. Founded by athletes, Power Balance is a favorite among elite athletes for whom balance, strength and flexibility are important.
Power Balance is based on the idea of optimizing the body’s natural energy flow, similar to concepts behind many Eastern philosophies. The hologram in Power Balance is designed to resonate with and respond to the natural energy field of the body..."
So in a word - Bullshit. Power Balance supposedly accomplishes this by implanting holograms on wristbands and pendants. The wristbands come in silicon and neoprene and run about $30 and the pendants go for as much as $79.95. Beyond the above quote from the website there is nothing on the website explaining the science or theory behind the wristbands. The demo videos are terribly bad, so bad you think it's a joke. Follow this link to watch them. In all three videos the salesman has whichever "elite" athlete pose in a position and the salesman then applies pressure at specific part of their body to off balance the athlete. The salesman then puts the Power Balance wristband on the athlete and performs the test again to show how much better their balance is while wearing the bracelet. Wait...actually that last part doesn't happen. The salesman puts the wristband on the athlete and we never see the results. The video just cuts to another athlete and the same thing happens - balance test, wristband applied, no follow up test. It's as if I came up with a wristband and claimed it could make you work on water. I then demonstrated that I could not walk on water by trying to run across a pool. After I come out of the pool soaking wet I say "now lets see what happens when I put on my wristband" and then I go home and eat cookies. Basically same thing.
Remember when you were 6 and certain toys, rocks, common house hold things gave you super powers like the spatuala or whatever that made you invisible? Or the pillows from your bed that you threw on the floor and then walked on because the floor was lava? But the floor really wasn't lava and the pillows weren't really nice cool rocks. I had a prism that did something amazing but I can't remember what exactly it was - you get the idea. Now imagine an adult who still thinks shit still works like that - you can grab an object come up with a story for it and it imbues you withmagical powers I mean better balance and strength and you have the Power Balance.
God Damnit Boulder! Haven't you done enough? Well turns out this didn't come from Boulder it came from that magical place called California. Laguana Niguel to be exact. I've been there, my girlfriend has family there. I guess we should just be glad there is a business trying to make money in California - the government needs the tax revenue.
A sales rep from Power Balance tried to sell my Jujitsu instructors class on these things. Apparently they aren't helpful when it comes to joint locks because when you touch someone wearing a Power Balance wristband the benefits of the wristband transfer to whoever you're touching. If this is the case I really should have ordered five and myself and 5 friends could put on our wristbands, link up, and summon Captain Planet to fight environmental injustice. Am I the only one who absolutely hates Captain Planet? Who on God's slightly-less-green-because-of-evil-polluting-corporations-earth thought a show revolving around 5 politically correct stereotypical characters who use magic rings to summon a blue guy to fight villains who like to pollute was a good idea? If only they had Power Balance wristbands we could have defeated global warming and capitalism ten years ago. And maybe the show wouldn't have sucked so much. But I digress...I was the kid who hated G.I. Joe too because the bad guys always had time to run away from their vehicles before a missile hit it. Did anyone ever die in that show? Now Transformers, there was a show! And the animated 1984 movie blew was a hell of a lot better than the live action crap that Michael Bay directed. Don't even get me started there...
Anyhoo, why buy 2 power balance wristbands? Well we got some product testing to do next Sunday, I'll have the video posted by the following Monday. I'm designing a number of obstacle course and other test to determine if Power Balance really does improve strength and balance. Should be a lot of fun. Product testing usually is fun especially in the bar industry because your product is boozes. I've learned from my years of experience testing various whiskeys and such product testing requires alcohol to really get good results. I don't see why next Sunday's test should be any different....
I remain
Power Balance is based on the idea of optimizing the body’s natural energy flow, similar to concepts behind many Eastern philosophies. The hologram in Power Balance is designed to resonate with and respond to the natural energy field of the body..."
So in a word - Bullshit. Power Balance supposedly accomplishes this by implanting holograms on wristbands and pendants. The wristbands come in silicon and neoprene and run about $30 and the pendants go for as much as $79.95. Beyond the above quote from the website there is nothing on the website explaining the science or theory behind the wristbands. The demo videos are terribly bad, so bad you think it's a joke. Follow this link to watch them. In all three videos the salesman has whichever "elite" athlete pose in a position and the salesman then applies pressure at specific part of their body to off balance the athlete. The salesman then puts the Power Balance wristband on the athlete and performs the test again to show how much better their balance is while wearing the bracelet. Wait...actually that last part doesn't happen. The salesman puts the wristband on the athlete and we never see the results. The video just cuts to another athlete and the same thing happens - balance test, wristband applied, no follow up test. It's as if I came up with a wristband and claimed it could make you work on water. I then demonstrated that I could not walk on water by trying to run across a pool. After I come out of the pool soaking wet I say "now lets see what happens when I put on my wristband" and then I go home and eat cookies. Basically same thing.
Remember when you were 6 and certain toys, rocks, common house hold things gave you super powers like the spatuala or whatever that made you invisible? Or the pillows from your bed that you threw on the floor and then walked on because the floor was lava? But the floor really wasn't lava and the pillows weren't really nice cool rocks. I had a prism that did something amazing but I can't remember what exactly it was - you get the idea. Now imagine an adult who still thinks shit still works like that - you can grab an object come up with a story for it and it imbues you with
God Damnit Boulder! Haven't you done enough? Well turns out this didn't come from Boulder it came from that magical place called California. Laguana Niguel to be exact. I've been there, my girlfriend has family there. I guess we should just be glad there is a business trying to make money in California - the government needs the tax revenue.
A sales rep from Power Balance tried to sell my Jujitsu instructors class on these things. Apparently they aren't helpful when it comes to joint locks because when you touch someone wearing a Power Balance wristband the benefits of the wristband transfer to whoever you're touching. If this is the case I really should have ordered five and myself and 5 friends could put on our wristbands, link up, and summon Captain Planet to fight environmental injustice. Am I the only one who absolutely hates Captain Planet? Who on God's slightly-less-green-because-of-evil-polluting-corporations-earth thought a show revolving around 5 politically correct stereotypical characters who use magic rings to summon a blue guy to fight villains who like to pollute was a good idea? If only they had Power Balance wristbands we could have defeated global warming and capitalism ten years ago. And maybe the show wouldn't have sucked so much. But I digress...I was the kid who hated G.I. Joe too because the bad guys always had time to run away from their vehicles before a missile hit it. Did anyone ever die in that show? Now Transformers, there was a show! And the animated 1984 movie blew was a hell of a lot better than the live action crap that Michael Bay directed. Don't even get me started there...
Anyhoo, why buy 2 power balance wristbands? Well we got some product testing to do next Sunday, I'll have the video posted by the following Monday. I'm designing a number of obstacle course and other test to determine if Power Balance really does improve strength and balance. Should be a lot of fun. Product testing usually is fun especially in the bar industry because your product is boozes. I've learned from my years of experience testing various whiskeys and such product testing requires alcohol to really get good results. I don't see why next Sunday's test should be any different....
I remain