Looking back on the last two days I've got a lot done. I got inventory done, called in orders, took care of a wire transfer, updated show details for a few shows I booked, few other business things I been meaning to get done, took my dog to the pet store and had his anal glands expressed (Yep you needed to know), and took Old Town Jerry to the hospital for an appointment. Still a lot to do this week but I feel like I got a lot done.
Still way too much to do this week. But if I can keep this pace up I can be caught up and then some by next week. I wouldn't know what to do with myself it if that happened.
My girlfriend found a picture of me on the CSU rec center website from out jujitsu class in 2003. It's bit crazy it's been 7 years since I started. That was a long time ago. My girlfriend was 14 my first year of college. I'm robbing the craddle! Or as she put it she's "robbing the grave." As she matures so does her wit and me, slipping into senility am unable to respond quickly! 26 and I'm over the hill, maybe it makes sense I'm trying to retire by 30.
Speaking of which I took my sales sheet I use to track all my sales and expenses for Hodi's and modified it for home use. From now on I'll start to use it to track how much money I make and how I spend it. Hopefully it'll be helpful in reducing spending.
Well off to mop/workout, then Japanese, and finally work.
Jujitsu started at CSU last night, class went well, although it was small. Here's a pic of me about to be thrown by Banks Sensei few years ago