Friday, February 19, 2010

Time To Get Going!

It's been a hectic week.  I worked till 4am Tuesday, didn't get to bed till 5am and woke up at 10 and was back at the bar at 1030 and remained there till 330 receiving orders.  Hit the bank after that and was back at 630 to open the bar.  Wrapped up my night at 3am.  Had to take care of a few things today but was able to take the night off and spend it with the lady. 

It's a bit depressing thinking that this is how my life is going to be for the next 5-10 years.  Working 50-60 hour weeks, taking care of things as they come up and only really getting time to breath when business is slow. 

I've come to realize a large part of being happy with life is realizing what you want out of life and working toward achieving it.  I've found out what I want, I just haven't done anything to achieve it.  The reason I started the blog was track my progress toward my goals. 

So what do I want?  As I've mentioned previously I want to live on or near a beach, with a nice chunk of land (Between 1 and 5 acres) in a nice warm climate.  Besides that I want:
-  The house I live in to be of my own design
-  A dojo on my land
-  To be the best martial artist I can be
-  To be healthy and in great shape
-  Learn Japanese (I studied for 3 years in college) and go take a trip there for at least a month
-  To be financially stable without having to work so much as to prevent me from doing anything on the above list
-  Complete this list in 4 years, I'll be 30 years old.

So I'd like to be able to have the money to be able to buy the land, build a house I designed, and train/workout for 4-6 hours a day.  Right now I'm working 50 hours a week keeping my bar in business.  To get to the point where I can make the money I need to make everything happen is going to take a lot of work and creativity.  Fortunately for me there are 168 hours in a week and even after I take out the 50 hours of work a week and 40 hours of sleep I still have 78 hours a week to eat, walk my dogs, spend time with my girlfriend, train, and make my fortune. 

If I'm going to make this happen I'm going to have to budget my time like crazy, make a hell of a lot more money then I'm doing now and save every cent possible.  I've got a plan and I'm going to work on implementing it bit by bit starting tomorrow.

Did I mention to complete this list I have to pay off my business first, a 300 capacity music venue that hasn't had a profitable year it's first 3 years of operation? 

Making the impossible possible, starting tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Damon! You're one of the most motivated people I know, and you're already doing what I hope to be doing by the time I turn 30, so congrats on that! YOU CAN DOOOOOOO IT! YOU CAN DO IT ALLLL NIGGHHT LOOOOONG!!
