Friday, February 26, 2010

No Okinawa for me

Back when I thought I might lose the bar I applied for some jobs on Marine Bases in Okinawa working at clubs as either a manager, assistant manager, and bartender.  Got an email told me last night telling me I didn't get the club manager position.  It's bit of a disappointment but probably a good thing I don't think my partners are quite ready to do Hodi's without me yet.

I'm not thinking of getting out of Hodi's, but a job in Okinawa could make life a lot easier.  It'd pay better, Hodi's wouldn't have to pay me, and I'd get a chance to live and work in Japan while I was still young. 

Oh well, like I said it was probably for the best.  I'll keep working on different ways to up my revenue stream. 

It's a great day today, the weather is great, the show went off well last night and we raised $1400 for Haiti, and today will be good too.  My lunch booking meeting just got canceled too maybe I'll do something exciting like crush cans!

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear about it bud...but hey now you won't have to worry about having the biggest penis on the island...or something.
