Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why Sports Games Are Lame

Madden NFL 10 

So it's 2:30am, I've got 60 more push ups to do before I've done my 150 and I thought I'd take a break to bitch about sports video games.  I've never really enjoyed them.  There's just something about playing a game when I can go out and play it for real.  Maybe not professionally but I can toss around a football with my friends or shoot some hoops.  Hell I had to quit playing Guitar Hero because it was getting to the point where if I going to play that much I should just learn how to play a real guitar.   When it comes to sports games if I wanted to play a sport, I went out and played it.

Games should allow me to do something I couldn't do otherwise like using my chainsaw gun to cut through monsters or eating mushrooms and getting big so I can go around and jump on slightly retarded turtles that walk on two legs (which to be fair, sounds like an experience you could have eating mushrooms in real life).  

This rant is a bit pointless because right now, I'm way too busy to play games anyway.  I think one of my first blogs was on how long it took to completely beat Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (around 200 hours).  Think of all the cans I could collect!  The money I could make, how much closer I could be to accomplishing my goals if I didn't spend 200 hours a year playing video games.  

It's bit sad because games are a lot of fun.  I got shit to do though!

A day without boozes, soda, or energy drink.  Almost done with my push ups.  Till tomorrow


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