Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why a blog?

For the longest time I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life.  I could do anything, it's just a matter of finding something worth committing too.  So while I was just kind of wandering around trying to figure things out I bought a club to keep me busy.  Well for more then that but sometimes I think I got the place because I had nothing better to do.  Hodi's is a great place though and there is a lot of potential, so much so I can't stand to see the place fail.  But it's not quite where I want to be for the rest of my life. 

It was at Hodi's however that I figured it out what I want to do with the rest of my life.  I want to find a relatively quite beach with a .5-1 acre lot somewhere where it's warm all year round and build a nice little house and with a dojo and train all day.  I'll take breaks to lounge on the beach, eat cookies, and practice making babies with the lady. 

A blog seems like a good way to record my progress every day toward that goal. 

Now it probably seems pretty crazy to do this and do it in 4 years.  But by age 25 I had bought by first club and somehow after losing it I was able to come up with $75,000 in two weeks via two new partners, and prevent it from being sold to some creepy lady from New York.  After taking a club that was failing for 3 years straight, and saving it when I don't even have $500 in my bank account and turning it around all before my 26th birthday I get to thinking, "What can't I do?"  Don't take it as me being cocky...I just think I can go anything.  So here goes, by age 30 house on the beach warm beautiful place with a dojo in!

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