Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rub 2 crystals and call me in the morning

Since the dawn of time man has gazed at cool looking rocks and said "wow that's a cool looking rock." Many times these cool looking rocks were used for various cool things. Sharp rocks were used to stab and cut people. Eventually they were even put on arrows. Other rocks were used to throw at people. Many rocks were used to build houses and lawn ornaments. It's common knowledge among archaeologist, that the first garden gnomes were very cool naturally occurring rocks that ancient people thought looked like tiny people with big white beards, red hats, and sunny dispositions.

The most special of the rocks were the crystals, because they were shiny.
The ancient people soon realized that shiny object cure disease. According to Dr. Olga Rodriguez Rasmussen of healingcrystals.com:

"Crystals, gems and stones, have a long documented history of use in healing work in practically every culture and religious tradition since the dawn of time..."

Most historians point to heavy crystal use in ancient medicine to explain the high life expectancy, low disease rate, and almost non-existent infant mortality rate that most people enjoyed before the introduction of modern medicine.

Since the introduction of science, pushed on the masses by evil, greedy capitalist trying to sell us soulless plaster garden gnomes the use of cool rocks in our everyday life has decline dramatically.  While cool rocks are still collected and used by holistic healers, hippies, and small children, things like bullets, steel, and vaccines have filled the space once occupied by a much more green and natural material.

However not all is lost.  Check out the Mega Crystals of Naica Mines.  This recently discovered crystal palace built by the ancients has crystals 36ft long and weighing 55 tons.  It is said by this one person that there should be enough crystals within the Nacia Mines to cure all disease and power future holistic space ships across the galaxy on a mission to spread peace, love, and proper respect for cool looking rocks.

 Go with love my friends

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