Wednesday, June 15, 2011

1 step forward, two steps back - The Dance of D

Today's workout over at Emerfit was pretty good.    The warm up was 4 rounds (or 5 - I forgot already) of 5 pushups, ten squats while holding a kettlebell (goblet squats), ten of whatever they call holding a pvc pipe and rotating it around your body, ten back extensions, and 5 crunches.  The actual workout was 5 rounds of 400m run, ten pullups and ten backsquats(w/ 125lbs. for me).  As always it was pretty terrible.  I did do better on my pullups, sure they were swinging pushups but I did the first 2 sets straight and the last 3 I think I got like 5 out every time before I had to drop down and rest before finishing.  All was well, I finished felt good got in my car and was ready to take on the rest of my day.

So I pulled out on to Harmony road, hooked a left at the night on to Timberline and got in the left lane to avoid the slower traffic because of people turning in the right lane.  Right after I switched lanes everyone in front of me slammed on their breaks, so I did the same.  I was able to stop but I had some help from the bumper of the car in front of me.  Who then bounced off the minivan in front of him, who then hit the red smaller car in front of them.  My first accident, and it was my fault.  The red car took off right away and fled the scene.  I got out of the car right away and checked on everybody in front of me, who were thankfully were fine so I suggested we pull on to a side street, which we did.  I called the cops and took a look at the damage.  The Nissan Extera I hit was fine, a few scratches.  My Jeep was fine too.  There's a tiny little impression of the Nissan's trailer hitch in my bumber and a small dent but thats it, if anything it looks more jeep-y.  The mini van didn't look quiet as good, the bumper and rear door were both beat to hell and the front bumper took a hit too.  God Damnit....

Turns out I hit the nicest, most forgiving people in the world.  All parties agreed that sometimes it just happens.  Despite everything being my fault, everyone was really friendly and just happy no one got hurt.  Which really just made everything worse, when the woman driving the mini van hugged me and told me it was all ok before she drove off I felt about as bad as could be.

So I got what looks like $165 in fines and 4 points off my license in addition to my first court date ever.  Very glad everyone was OK, my car is fine (good call mom and dad, that thing is a tank), but still pretty pissed at myself.  Sure whatever asshole that decided to stop quickly helped, and we were all driving too close to each other but really it's all my fault.

The bar is doing better, I have a way out of the business, and a new one lined up to hop on board.  But it's all so far out, and stuff like today seems to bring up a feeling I get a lot - I'm a huge fuck up.  I stay up many nights racking my brain for ideas or inspiration, trying to jump start everything and get my head on straight and it frustrates the hell out of me.  Nights like tonight I just want to give up, call it quits.  I sat on my bed a few minutes ago and looked at Conan who sat there smiling with his tongue hanging out (I think all this talk about rear ending excited him - I accept my dog and his "alternative" lifestyle).  I just wanted to give up, let my failure completely consume me.  It felt like standing on the bottom of a pool looking up.  And then it felt like something else, something that happened today, 4 rounds into our exercises in class.  I had just finished my 4th round of running and came back to the pull up bar and it's a pretty damn high bar.  I looked up at it, exhausted and breathing hard.  I wanted to quit, but I just couldn't.  As terrible as finishing sounded, not finishing wasn't an option.  There was only one option - jump up and grab on.  Finish.

I know how to fail, I know how to slack, fuck up, and half ass.  But I don't know how to give up and quit.  Quite Frankly, it's pretty fucking frustrating.   It'd be nice to be OK with just getting by, just surviving, just breathing and happy with what I have.  Just can't do it though.  Can't stand at the foot of the mountain and say "nice view."  I can't find peace till I reach the top.  Only through success can I find serenity. 

There are times when the bar gets slammed and I'm behind with no way to catch up.  No one to help, nothing to be done but bury your head and move as fast as you can.  Only one thing to do, put your head down and pour drinks.  Battle through.  Nothing else you can do, can't just walk away from the bar, can't slow down, can't give up.  Head down and move - just don't stop.  And then the night is over and your tip jar is full of money.  Some customers are pissed they had to wait but most recognize you did your best.  Easy to deal with for a night.  Hard to for a few years.  But what else can you do?  Failure is only an option when you allow it to be.


  1. i know the feeling...i'm well aware that most of the time it looks like i've given up and accepted my fate in life as a "barely get by" kind of person, but the reality of it is, i'm willing to work my ass off and maybe take some charity to get by in the profession i want to do. it sucks right now, but it will pay off, and hopefully this chicago move is the payoff pitch that i take over the left field wall. either way, don't get discouraged, and don't give up on doing what you want to do. we've had our differences and our fights and our "i'm a fucking idiot that said shit/did shit that wasn't in my place to do" but i know that in the long run, we work hard and we'll get through and we'll succeed, and hopefully stay friends in the process. good luck brother, just stay workin hard. and don't give up

  2. ps i know that got kind of rambling and by the end didn't get anywhere close to the beginning. forgive me haha
