Friday, May 14, 2010

Free 20ft tall tree - bring shovel and crook gets shot in the genitals

Craigslist is great for many things - puppies, prostitu..I mean finding a job, cars, etc but my favorite craigslist section is the free stuff section.  I once got a free armoire that after a few months was able to sell for $250.  I also got a great couch in the same run.  One of the stranger free ads I've seen was this:

"Have several quaking aspen trees that need a good home. Range from 5 to 20 feet tall. Supposed to be easily transplantable. Bring a shovel. Call Steve @ 970-978-****"

Maybe the 5ft tree can easily be dug up with the shovel, but a 20ft tall tree?  Might be bit harder I would think.

Speaking of trees, I just cleaned up the front yard and stacked up all the tree branches in a neat pile.  And then it snowed and because it's freakin' May all the trees have leaves and thus I had some nice big branches fall on my nice neat yard.  It was kind of cool  sticking my head out the door at 2am and hearing all the cracking of branches around the neighborhood.  What the hell is up with snow mid may?  Maybe God is reminding me I need to get in ass and gear and make my fortune and move away to my tropic beach.

Met local rock band to finish putting together details for bbq & bikini rock show with 4 bands.  Apparently I'm going to have to be one of the judges for the bikini contest. Work, work, work...I don't know how I get up in the morning/early afternoon.

Video of the week:  Clerk shoots a thief's Junk.  YouTube removed the audio but it's subtitled.  Notice that not only is the clerk brave enough to pull out a gun and shoot this guy, but she's a got a bad ass line after she shoots him!  She's like the James Bond of gas station clerks.

I remain

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sombrero Sunday

Show got canceled tonight on account that no one remembered it was Mother's day when we booked it and all these metal kids wanted to spend a quiet night with mom instead of rocking out.  I suppose it's for the better.  I'd get my mom in dinner but she's in Germany so an email will have to suffice.  I was thinking of sending her a card saying "Hey you're a Grandma - again!" and photoshopping a picture to make my girlfriend look pregnant.  I'm a  fan of the pregnancy humor but I think I'm alone on that one so I skipped the card.  So no show, Mom is a few thousand miles away, guess it's time for the first ever Sombrero Sunday.
to mom!