Thursday, April 15, 2010

my doodle and was today a good day?

I haven't blogged for awhile, I need to get better about doing it every day.  Someday's though, even when things are going right there just isn't much to talk about.  I get lucky now and then when some idiot in Boulder has his energy crystals mailed to the wrong address but some days are just boring.

Today was one of those days.  I got a bit of work done, had a good jujitsu class, maybe broke a student's toe when I threw them (honestly I think he broke it - I didn't step on it, it just got caught on the mats), made a walmart trip and got a blender with the girl, and watched bit of Seinfeld while studying Japanese.  I worked out a little today but not quite enough.  So in some respects today was good, I did almost everything I want to do everyday - exercise, jujitsu, work, and got some healthy food, didn't eat out or spend money I didn't have to (well except the blender).  It doesn't feel like enough though and I have a hard time not getting frustrated.  There is just so much more I could be doing and I get a bit depressed when I feel as though I wasted a bit of the day.

While studying I came across a doodle I drew so I took a picture of it and cleaned it up with photoshop to make it look more artistic and less like it was drawn by the kid who passed art by the skin of his teeth.  I wish I could draw I think it would be a good creative outlet.  If I could take all my ideas and put them to paper I think it'd be a nice release.  Instead I get an overwhelming feeling in my head much like a can of coke must feel like when it's been shaken.

Strangely enough sometimes the cure for restlessness is sleep.  It's a good way to reset.  I leave you with my doodle.  Prints are available for $1,000 a piece and a certificate of almost authenticity and poor taste.  The bridge represents a very basic way of teaching jujitsu.  Set and go, set and go, set and go.  I'd like to think thats deep, instead it's just bit silly.


  1. For drawing, the only way to get better is to just keep doing it (short of amazing talent, which I don't have). The problem is that it goes away if you don't keep on working at it (at least for me it did). I need to get back to it as well...

    Got my brown belt here laid up with numerous injuries. Can't remember if it was this level or later when you & Travis started getting hurt...

    Like the blog, man. Keep on posting...

  2. Damon,

    I finally found something to comment on! Your blogs do make me laugh and are very encouraging to me to keep plugging away at my goals.

    At any rate, Banks Sensei had me draw him last summer when he was out here. He says I have a gift. It's hard to see something that has been so natural as a gift, but I do think there is something to be said about practice.

    I'm sure if I looked at the picture I drew of him last May or June, I'd see things I didn't notice before in terms of mistakes (in a good way). But even when you don't have time to draw...becoming good at art is also a lot of observation. Not unlike Ju jitsu and the people around you.

    It sounds corny, but the more you actually look at a tree's bark or a woman's hair and how it falls...or how sunlight reflects off of a car while driving compared to it being parked; the better an artist you become.

    Keep posting and drawing. I'll be interested to see more.

    Art for me, has in fact been one of the most rewarding "releases" in my life along with running, writing, and ju jitsu. All of those have also been great sources of frustration as well because being exceptional requires constant dedication and patience...
