Friday, March 12, 2010

Wax On, Wax Off

Back when I use to mop the floors at my bar all the time we had one mop that was just a tad bit heavier than the rest.  It was a different kind of wood or something like that.  I'd use it sometime and think to myself, "I should make a weighted metal mop and use that every night, I'd get in great shape."

Turns out one of my friends is a welder so I talked to him Sunday and last night he delivered the greatest mop in the world.  It is the Thor's hammer of mops.  Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you


Please forgive the poor picture quality.  I was using the same camera phone I use when I hunt for big foot.  But back to the mop!  Original it was suppose to be around 25 pounds but the guy cutting the metal made it a foot too big it's a 36 pound steel mop.  The mop attachment screws off so I can replace it with a lighter or heavier pole.  

Heavy or not, apparently I'm in terrible shape, this thing is a bitch to use and I could barely finish the dance floor today.  Should be a bit easier in a few months...I hope.  

I'll have some video to post on Youtube demonstrating the correct way to use the Impossible Mop.  Someday it'll be an infomercial.  It can't be any worse of an idea than this.  I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who work at or own bars and after a long day of work putting up with drunk patrons would love to take twice as long cleaning their floors.  

Or not.  But who knows, I remember hearing about this person who sold used plus sized lingerie to transvestites on Ebay.  There really is a market for everything, it's just about reaching your customers.  With all that said I don't think I'll be selling weighted mops any time soon.

Fear me for between my finger pushups and mopping I will soon be able to crush your heads like grapes.

Eat it Ralph Macciho. 

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