Sunday, March 14, 2010

Diet Coke and Whiskey?

It's definitely spring break in Fort Collins.  The town was slow and Hodi's was no exception.  I sat behind the bar bored and trying to stay awake for most of the night.  For some reason there did seem to be a fair amount of larger girls walking around Old Town, as if half the people who decided to go out tonight were girls who didn't want to go anywhere for spring break where they'd risk being seen in swimsuits.

Maybe that was a bit mean.  I'm sure they all have wonderful personalities.

Some asshole tipped $4 on a $42 tab.  Most of those drinks were $3 well singles too, so I served him a fair amount of drinks, a lot of whiskey and diet cokes.  What self respecting man mixes diet soda with boozes?  Is he watching his figure?  It's almost as bad as guys who order cosmos or wear scarves (Disclaimer:  After much debate the Hodi's staff has decided that it's ok for guys to wear scarves so long as the temperature is under 0 degrees Fahrenheit).  Hope that douche bag had to walk home with a cold neck and wakes up tomorrow feeling fat.

So I mentioned in last post that I'd blog about what I was doing to save money.  After not winning the power ball I've decided that first thing I can do to start saving money is to quit buying $10 of lotto tickets a week.  It'd be nice to win but it's probably not gonna happen and I'd like to earn my fortune anyway.  At $10 a week thats $40 a month in saving and $480 a year.

More saving and plotting to come but it's late so I'll go with decision number one, no more lotto tickets.

The dream jar has $131.47  I've decided I should retire at 30 with $10,000,000.  Only $9,999,868.53 left to go.

Game on.

1 comment:

  1. it helps the hangover to go with diet because it doesn't have any sugar. personally, i think it tastes like shit, so i don't do it haha
